UPDATED : 19 JUL 2024 13:00 UTC+9 KST That would be LAST UPDATE, Let’s plan more!

This is my plan to be finished until/after graduating.


§ must be finished until new year’s day §

  1. Kernel : Dirty Cow Analysis (CVE-2016-5195) -Complete
  2. Browser V8 : Study/Build V8 frequently and get shell from V8 Engine -Complete


§ new year STUDY plan §

  1. Making interpreter/compiler with Rust (With Chris Ohk, ..) s


    • Try something “new”, Try Everything
    • Pass any awesome Univ.’s admission (Complete)
    • Pass drive license (Complete)
    • Dreamhack Wargame 1st
      • Format Sniper (Learn & Analyze about FSB, Solved :D)
      • Dreamcurl (Rev O, Crypto X. So learn mathematics!, Solved :D)
      • Unibitmap (Solved :D)
      • dreamboard v2 (V8 : Solved :D)
    • Purchase another laptop (DELL XPS 15 12th generation Intel CPU)
    • BoB (Best of the Best) 14th? 15th?
    • Try to be the BEST without competitive mind, Just enjoy



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